{39.} Buxton, R, Odenigbo, C., Hudgins, E.J., Robichaud, C., Mazumder, R., Cooke, S. J…., & Bennett, J.R. An action-oriented research agenda for equitable and meaningful nature-based solutions in urban areas. Rejected after resubmission. People and Nature.

{38.} Bodey, T., Cuthbert, R., Diagne, C., Marino, C., Turbelin, A., Angulo, E., … & Hudgins, E. J. Predicting the global economic costs of biological invasions by tetrapods. In press, Science of the Total Environment. Preprint: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.08.15.606318

{37.} Buxton, R., Hudgins, E.J., Lavigne, E., Villeneuve, P.J., Prince, S. A., Pearson, A.L., … & Bennett, J.R. Mental health is positively associated with biodiversity in Canadian cities. Communications Earth & Environment 5(1), 310. (full text) *joint first author

{36.} Turbelin, A. J., Hudgins, E. J., Catford, J.A., Cuthbert, R. N., Diagne, C., Kourantidou, M., …, & Courchamp, F. Biological invasions as burdens to primary economic sectors. Global Environmental Change. 87, 102858. (full text)

{35.} Hudgins, E. J., Leung, B., MacQuarrie, C. J., McCullough, D. G., Francis, A., Lovett, G. M., … & Bennett, J. R. (2024). Five organizing themes for invasive forest insect and disease management in Canada and the United States. Forest Ecology and Management, 566, 122046. (full text)

{34.} Bennett, J.R., Edwards, B.P.M,  Bergman, J.N., Binley, A.D., Buxton, R.T., Hanna, D.E.L, …, Hudgins, E.J. …, & Rytwinski, T. How ignoring detection probability hurts biodiversity conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 22(8), e2782. (full text)
  {33.} Haubrock, P.J., Soto, I., Ahmed, D.A., Ansari, A., Tarkan, A.S., Kurtul, I., …, Hudgins, E.J., … Cuthbert, R. N. Invasions are a population-level rather than a species-level phenomenon. Global Change Biology 30(5), e17312. (full texthttps://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17312)
  {32.} Haubrock, P. J., Cuthbert, R. N., Balzani, P., Briski, E., Cano-Barbacil, C., De Santis, V., Hudgins, E.J., … & Tarkan, A. S. (2024). Discrepancies between non-native and invasive species classifications. Biological Invasions, 26(2), 371-384. (full text)

{31.} Soto, I., Balzani, P., Oficialdegui, F. J., Molinero, C., Kouba, A., Ahmed, D. A., …, Hudgins, E. J., … , & Haubrock, P.J. (2024). The wild cost of invasive feral animals worldwide. Science of the Total Environment, 912, 169281, (full text)
  {30.} Bradshaw, C.J.A, Hulme, P.E.,Hudgins, E.J., Leung, B., Kourantidou, M., Courtois, P., Turbelin, A.J., McDermott, S.M., Lee, K., Ahmed, D.A., Latombe, G., Bang, A., Bodey, T.W., Haubrock, P.J., Saltré, F., & Courchamp, F. (2024). Weaker economies experience higher relative damage costs arising from biological invasions. Ecological Economics 220, 108166. (full text)

{29.} Hudgins, E.J., Hanson, J.O., MacQuarrie, C.K., Yemshanov,D., Baker, C., Holden, M.H., McDonald-Madden, E., & Bennett, J. R. (2024). Spread management priorities to limit emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) impacts on United States street trees. Conservation Science and Practice e13087. (full text)

{28.} Ahmed, D.A., Beidas, A., … Hudgins, E.J., … & Haase, P. Capture efficiency of pitfall traps based on sampling strategy and the movement of arthropods.Methods in Ecology and Evolution. (Full text)

{27.} Ahmed, D.A., Haubrock, P.J., Cuthbert, R.N. …, Hudgins, E.J., …, & Courchamp, F. (2023) Recent advances in availability and synthesis of the economic costs of biological invasions. Bioscience biad060, (Full text)

{26.} Fernandez, R.D., Haubrock, P.J., Cuthbert, R.N., Heringer, G., Kourantidou, M., Hudgins, E.J., Angulo, E., Diagne, C.A., Courchamp, F., & Nuñez, M.A. (2023) Underexplored and growing economic costs of invasive alien trees. Scientific Reports 13 (1), 8945, (Full text)

{25.} Soto, I., …., Hudgins, E.J., & Briski, E. (2023). The faunal Ponto-Caspianization of European Waterways. Biological Invasions 25, 2613–2629, (Full text)

{24.} Braga, P. H. P., Hébert, K., Hudgins, E. J., Scott, E. R., Edwards, B., Sánchez-Reyes, L. L., … , & Crystal-Ornelas, R. (2023). Not just for programmers: How GitHub can accelerate collaborative and reproducible research in ecology and evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (6), 1364-1380. (Full text)

{23.} Hudgins, E.J.*, Cuthbert, R.*, Haubrock, P.*, Taylor, N., Kourantidou, M., Nguyen, D., … & Courchamp, F. (2023). TUnevenly distributed biological invasion costs among origin and recipient regions. Nature Sustainability. (Full text) *joint first author

{22.} Riva, F. Graco-Roza, C., Daskalova, G., Hudgins, E.J., Lewthwaite, J. M. M., Newman, E. A., Ryo, M., & Mammola, S. (2023). Towards a cohesive understanding of ecological complexity. Science Advances 9 (25), eabq4207, (Full text)

{21.} Hudgins, J.A., Hudgins, E.J., Köhnk, S., Mohamed Riyad, E., & Stelfox, M.R. (2023). A brighter future? Stable and growing sea turtle populations in the Republic of Maldives. PLoS oNE 18(4) e0283973, (Full text)

{20.} Hanson, J.O., McCune, J.L., Chadès, I., Proctor, C.A., Hudgins, E.J., & Bennett, J.R. (2023). Optimizing ecological surveys for conservation. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60, 41-51 (Full text)

{19.} Gomes, D.G.E, …, Hudgins, E.J., & Gaynor, K.M. (2022). Why don’t we share data and code? Perceived barriers and benefits to public archiving practices. Proceedings of the Royal Society B., 289(1987) (Full text

{18.} Palacio, F., Callaghan, C.T., Cardoso, P., Hudgins, E.J., Jarzyna, M., Ottaviani, G., Riva, F., Roza, C., Shirey, V., & Mammola, S. (2022). A protocol for reproducible functional diversity analyses. Ecography e06287. (full text)

{17.} Soto, I., Cuthbert, R.N., Kouba, A., Capinha, C., Turbelin, A., Hudgins, E.J., Diagne, C., Courchamp, F., & Haubrock, P.J. (2022). Global economic costs of herpetofauna invasions. Scientific Reports 12, 10829. (full text)

{16.} Edwards, B.P.M, Binley, A.D., English, W.B., Hudgins, E.J., & Snow, S.S. (2022). A highly anomalous Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) song. The Canadian Field Naturalist 136(1), 1-4. (full text)

{15.} Haubrock, P.J., Ahmed, D.A.A., Cuthbert, R.N., …Hudgins, E.J., et al. (2022). Invasion impacts and dynamics of a European-wide introduced species. Global Change Biology 28(15), 4620-4632. (full text)

{14.} Turbelin, A.J., Diagne, C., Hudgins, E.J., Moodley, D., Haubrock, P.J., et al.. (2022). Introduction pathways of economically costly invasive alien species. Biological Invasions 24, 2061-2079. (full text)

{13.} Hudgins, E. J., Koch, F.H., Ambrose, M.J., & Leung, B. (2022). Hotspots of pest-induced US urban tree death, 2020-2050. Journal of Applied Ecology. (full text)

{12.} Ahmed, D.A.*, Hudgins, E.J.*, Cuthbert, R.N.*, Kourantidou, M., Diagne, C., et al. Managing biological invasions: the cost of inaction. Accepted. Biological Invasions. (full text) *joint first author

{11.} Cuthbert, R.N., Diagne, C*. Hudgins, E.J.*, Turbelin, A.J.*, Ahmed, D. A., Albert, C., Bodey, T.W., Briski, E., Essl, F., Haubrock, P.J., Gozlan, R.E., Kirichenko, N., Kourantidou, M., Kramer, A. M., & Courchamp, F. (2022). Biological invasion costs reveal insufficient proactive management worldwide. Science of the Total Environment, 153404. (full text) *joint second author

{10.} Haubrock, P. J., Cuthbert, R. N., Hudgins, E. J., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Kourantidou, M., Moodley, D., Liu, C., Turbelin, A.J., Leroy, B., & Courchamp, F. (2022). Geographic and taxonomic trends of rising biological invasion costs. Science of the Total Environment, 152948. (full text)

{9.} Ahmed, D. Hudgins, E.J., Cuthbert, R., Haubrock, P.J., Renault, D., Bonnaud, E., Diagne, C., & Courchamp, F. (2021). Modelling the damage costs of invasive alien species. Biological Invasions. (full text)

{8.} Reid, C.H., Hudgins, E.J., Guay, J.D., Patterson, S., Medd, A.M., Cooke, S.J., & Bennett, J.R. (2021). The state of Canada’s biosecurity efforts to protect biodiversity from species invasions. FACETS 6: 1922-1954. (full text)

{7.} Crystal-Ornelas, R. Fantle-Lepczyk, J., Kramer, A., Hudgins, E.J., Leung, B. Diagne, C., et al. (2021) Economic costs of biological invasions within North America. NeoBiota 67, 485-510. (full text)

{6.} Hudgins, E.J., Liebhold, A.M., & Leung, B. Comparing generalized to customized models for United States invasive forest pests. Ecological Applications (2020) 30(1):e01988. (full text)

{5.} Leung, B., Hudgins, E. J., Potapova, A., & Ruiz-Jaen, M. (2019). A new baseline for countrywide α-diversity and species distributions: illustration using >6000 plant species in Panama. Ecological Applications 29(3): e01866. (full text)

{4.} Hudgins, E.J., Liebhold, A.M., & Leung, B. (2018). Corrigendum: Predicting the spread of all invasive forest pests in the United States. Ecology Letters 21(11): 1752-1754. (full text)

{3.} Hudgins, E.J., Liebhold, A.M., & Leung, B. (2017). Predicting the spread of all invasive forest pests in the United States. Ecology Letters 20(4): 426-435. (full text)

{2.} Iacarella, J.C., Hudgins, E.J., Dick, J.T.A., & Ricciardi, A. (2017). Predatory behaviour of an invasive amphipod in response to the presence of conspecifics and predation risk. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75(1): 131-140. (full text)

{1.} Hudgins, J.A., Hudgins, E.J., Ali, K., & Mancini, A. (2017). Citizen science surveys elucidate key foraging and nesting habitat for two endangered marine turtle species within the Republic of Maldives. Herpetology Notes 10: 463-471. (full text)

* equivalent contribution

Oral Presentations

  • Hudgins, EJ. Optimal management to slow the spread of North American forest insects and pathogens. Presented at the Ecological Society of Australia Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 12 December 2024.

  • Hudgins, EJ, MacQuarrie, CJK, & Yemshanov, D. Forecasting and optimally managing the spread of invasive forest pests. Presented at the Australian Biosecurity Symposium, Gold Coast, Australia, 27 August 2024.

  • Hudgins, EJ, MacQuarrie, CJK, & Yemshanov, D. Forecasting invasion patterns to minimize the impacts of invasive forest insects and pathogens at large scales. Presented at the IUFRO World Congress 2024, Stockholm, Sweden, 26 June 2024. Invited presentation.

  • Hudgins, EJ, MacQuarrie, CJK, & Yemshanov, D. Forecasting invasion patterns to minimize the impacts of invasive forest insects and pathogens at large scales. Seminar presented to the CREAF lab at the University of Barcelona, 19 June 2024. Invited presentation.

  • Hudgins, E.J., Management priorities to limit the impacts of Emerald Ash Borer on US street trees Presented at the Western EAB Cooperators Meeting, 29 March 2024. Invited presentation.

  • Hudgins, E.J., Management priorities to limit the impacts of Emerald Ash Borer on US street trees Presented at the Western EAB Cooperators Meeting, 29 March 2024. Invited presentation.

  • Hudgins, E.J., Using Spatial Information to Protect our Environment, 18 March 2024. Arthur Rylah Institute Seminar. Invited presentation.  
  • Hudgins, E.J., Spread management priorities to limit Emerald Ash Borer Impacts to US Street Trees. Science Early Career Research Summit, 20 February 2024. Winner - best oral presentation.

  • Hudgins, E.J.. North American forest invader spread, impacts, and management priorities for urban resilience. Presented at the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry Plant Health Division Meeting, March 29th, 2023.

  • Hudgins, E. J. Invasive forest pest impacts and mitigation tactics for urban wellbeing in a changing climate. Presented at the Northeast RISCC Symposium, February 15, 2023.

  • Hudgins, E. J. New perspectives in North American forest pest management – expert opinions across the management network. Presented at the Invasive Species Centre Forum, February 8, 2023.

  • Hudgins, E.J. New perspectives in North American forest pest management for an efficient, resilient, and equitable response. Presented at the Ontario Forest Health Review, October 26, 2022

  • Hudgins, E.J. Forest pest management for a resilient urban canopy. Presented to the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) Eastern NA Regional Chapter, October 17, 2022.

  • Hudgins, E.J., Bennett, J.R., & Leung, B. New perspectives in forest invader management. Presented at the Ecological Society of America’s annual meeting, August 16, 2022.

  • Hudgins, E.J. New perspectives in North American urban forest pest management. Webinar for the International Pest Risk Research Group. July 13, 2022. Invited presentation. (video)

  • Hudgins, E.J. New perspectives in forest pest management for a resilient urban canopy. Presented at the Invasive Species Centre’s Annual Symposium. Feb 3, 2022. Invited presentation. (video)

  • Hudgins, E.J. Optimal control of emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) spread across the United States. Presented at the Forest Pest Management Forum (Canadian Federal-Provincial-Municipal-NGO meeting). Dec. 9, 2021.

  • Crystal-Ornelas, R., Hudgins, E.J. (presenting author), Cuthbert, R.N., Haubrock, P.J., Fantle-Lepczyk, J., Angulo, E., Kramer, A., Ballesteros-Mejia, L., Leroy, B., Leung, B., López-López, E., Diagne, C., & Courchamp, F. Economic costs of biological invasions within North America. Presented at the Invasive Species Council of British Columbia’s annual meeting, Oct. 6, 2021. Invited presentation.

  • Hudgins, E. J., Koch, F. H., Ambrose, M. J., & Leung, B. Urban tree deaths from invasive alien forest insects in the United States, 2020-2050. Presented at the International Association for Landscape Ecology – North America conference, April 12, 2021, in the organised symposium “Forecasting Biological Invasions”.

  • Hudgins, E.J. Predicting Forest Pests: Generalized models for invasive species establishment, spread, and economic impacts. Presented via Zoom on April 22nd, 2020. (PhD Exit Seminar) (video)(slides)

  • Hudgins, E.J., Koch, F. H., Ambrose, M. J., Leung, B., Estimating the economic damages of United States invasive forest pests. Presented at the World Conference on Natural Resource Modelling, May 23rd, 2019 (International Conference – Graduate work). Winner – Best Student Presentation.

  • Hudgins, J.A. (presenting author), Hudgins, E.J., How to get meaningful results from opportunistic photo-ID data. Presented at the 39th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conversation, February 2nd, 2019. (International Conference - Side project).

  • Hudgins, E.J., Liebhold, A. M., & Leung B. Comparing generalized to customized models for United States invasive forest pests. Presented at the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science Symposium, December 12th, 2018 (Regional Conference - Graduate work).

  • Hudgins, E.J., Liebhold, A. M., & Leung B. Comparing generalized to customized models for United States invasive forest pests. Presented at the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, August 8th, 2018. (International Conference - Graduate work).

  • Hudgins, E.J.. Optimal control of the spread of invasive forest pests in the United States. Presented at the Mathematics of Biological Systems Management conference, University of Melbourne, April 6th, 2018. (International conference – Graduate work)

  • Hudgins, E.J.. Optimal control of the spread of invasive forest pests in the United States. Presented at the University of Queensland’s Centre for Biology and Conservation Science’s weekly seminar series, March 20th, 2018. (International invited seminar – Graduate work)

  • Hudgins, J.A. (presenting author), Hudgins, E.J., Determining abundance, apparent survival, and temporary emigration for hawksbill turtles using opportunistic photo-ID data in the Republic of Maldives. Presented at the International Sea Turtle Symposium, February 18th, 2018. (International Conference - Side project).

  • Hudgins, E.J., Liebhold, A. M., & Leung B. Comparing generalized to customized models for United States invasive forest pests. Presented at the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science Symposium, December 15th, 2017 (Regional Conference - Graduate work).

  • Hudgins, E.J., & Leung B. The effect of host diversity on the establishment of United States invasive forest pests. Presented at the McGill Conservation, Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour retreat, April 8th, 2017 (Departmental Conference - Graduate work).

  • Hudgins, E.J., Liebhold, A. M., & Leung B. Forecasting United States forest invaders: A general predictive model for pest spread. Presented at the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science Symposium, December 16th, 2016 (Regional Conference - Graduate work).

  • Hudgins, E.J., Liebhold, A. M., & Leung B. Forecasting United States forest invaders: A general predictive model for pest spread. Presented at the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, August 11th, 2016 (International Conference - Graduate work). (slides)

  • Hudgins, E.J. Modelling invasive forest pest spread across the United States. Presented at the Centre for Applied Mathematics in Biology of Medicine End-Of-Year Symposium. April 28th, 2015. (Provincial working group – Honours work).

  • Hudgins, E.J. Modelling invasive forest pest spread across the United States. Presented at McGill’s Honours Symposium, April 15th, 2015. (McGill Undergraduate Symposium – Honours work).

  • Iacarella, J.C. (presenting author), Hudgins, E.J., Dick, J.T.A. & Ricciardi, A. Predatory behavior of an invasive amphipod (Gammarus pulex) in the presence of fish cues and conspecifics. Paper presented at the Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network Annual General Meeting, Gatineau, Ontario. April 2014. (National Conference – Independent Study Project work).

Poster Presentations

  • Hudgins, E.J., Davies, T.J., Leung, B. A unifying phylogenetic model for the effect of host phylogenetic diversity on invasive pest establishment. Poster presented at the British Ecological Society Festival of Ecology. Dec 14-18th, 2020. (International Conference – Graduate work).

  • Hudgins, E.J., Koch, F. H., Ambrose, M. J., Leung, B., Estimating the economic damages of United States invasive forest pests. Poster presented at Natural Resources Canada’??s Forest Pest Management Forum, December 3-5th, 2019 (National Conference – Graduate work).